A New Adventure...

Well, I'm light years behind the times when it comes to all this new technology...but I've decided to give it a whirl and perhaps learn a few things along the way.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Picnik collage Fancy Platy Parents and Fry

I have to admit the more and more I practice with my new digital camera...the better I'm getting at capturing some decent photos of my fish...I'm still not where I want to be...but I'm getting closer everyday.

Interestingly enough in one of the blogs I follow...there was an article about the 6 steps to financial success...here is a short excerpt.."A few days ago, I read Jason Fried’s wonderful article How to Make Money in Six Easy Steps. The article details Fried’s growth as an entrepreneur from a young child to running the successful software firm 37signals.
Fried’s “six easy steps” are as follows:
1. Understanding the buyer is the key to being a strong seller
2. It’s all about passion
3. Charge real money for real products
4. There are different pathways to the same dollar
5. Bootstrapping
6. Practice

It seems that even the best of the best still practice, practice, practice, each and everyday whatever they are most passionate about and want to excel at...and when I read that...something "clicked"...Kobe Bryant may have natural talent as a basketball player...but he still drills and drills and drill in the gym everyday...it's what he does, it's what he's passionate about...it's what makes him beyond acceptable and beyond good and moves him up to a great basketball player...So I'm no longer counting the time I spend on practice pics that are worthless as a waste of time...I'm counting them as practice...a learning experience along the road to being really good at what I do.

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