A New Adventure...

Well, I'm light years behind the times when it comes to all this new technology...but I've decided to give it a whirl and perhaps learn a few things along the way.

Friday, December 31, 2010

IMG_5859 Corys

IMG_5859 Corys
IMG_5859 Corys,
originally uploaded by creativeaquarist.
Check out these guys...isn't the detail amazing...this guy...Pete Mang of Lotsoffish is just wonderful at shooting fish photos and he's also an excellent breeder and seller of fish. I buy a lot if not most of my breeding fish from him. I'm still learning everyday about "technology" and everyday it still amazes me of how little I actually do know how to do. But from the time I started this blog a few days ago to today I've learned a lot...lol and I'm still out there searching and learning. Tomorrow starts a whole new year...and one of my resolutions this coming brand new year is to learn how to do more with all this amazing technology that we have available to us today and to make my own living dependent on nobody but myself and my ventures...be it selling fish or at my flea market business...I want to be independent and able to make my own way in this world.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


I just created a Flickr account to manage photos. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Now I just have to figure out how to upload pictures here...lol. Yesterday I received a box of fish that I had bought for breeding. They are so beautiful and all settled into their tanks. I've never kept sword tails before...these are RREA or Real Red Eye Albino lyretail swordtails...they are more of a velvet red in color than the pale orange I've seen in the local pet stores. Very beautiful.  The red whiptail catfish look fragile as if they'd snap in two with the slightest breeze...but they actually seem to be pretty sturdy and hardy...they are  nosing all over their new tank checking everything out. The flash plecos are settled into their tank and happily chewing on all the different types of wood I have in their for them. They have to have wood in their diet for digestion. They have beautiful stripes and fins. To breed they lay eggs in a cave and the Daddy watches over them.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


I was up early this morning feeding my fish and just doing some general work around my fish room and I decided to go online and try to learn some more about "technology" and how to Flickr or Tweet or something so I could just add photo's to this blog directly and I came across this direction..."tweet a photo from your Flickr FAQ" and I was dumbfounded. What?? Is this English...Might as well be Turn Left at Pluto...you have successfully navigated outerspace and are not about to enter CYBERSPACE where nothing will be familiar to you at all...you will stumble..you will mumble and most certainly you will curse viciously as you try to navigate through these sparkling waters. 

My first thought was OMG I just CANNOT do this...this is just completely, totally and utterly UN-doable...where did all this strange language and customs and weird crap come from...what kind of evil people thought up this kind of thing? Is it a plot to confuse the elderly even more? You know they used to just put us on ice floes and push us out into the water...now they have cyberspace and "technology" for the supposedly "average user" to be able to comprehend and use with ease. HAH!

Average? Is that like "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?"...the show where grown adults regularly humiliate themselves by not knowing what the "average" 5th grader knows. I've watched that show...and I'm not by any means unintelligent but I swear some of the questions were about subjects that I didn't even learn until Jr. College!  That's technology today...to me. I have to look into the compute screen and admit...I am not smarter than the "average user"...LOL at MYSELF... I am not even as smart as the average user...well...ummm...errrrr....actually I am quite disadvantaged compared to the "average user."

BUT...I am not a wimp. I will persevere. I will at least learn the simplest of things and once I have those down pat, I'll learn another thing or two and then maybe even a thing or three on the next go 'round. I realize I will never catch up to the latest or most ground breaking advances and the "smart phones" will always be smarter than me and that 99% of my computer errors are due to me pushing the wrong buttons (plus I don't think the computer likes it when I call it vile names and curse it's generations to come) I will not give up. I don't care if I have to hire a 5th grader...I'll pay him or her happily to explain some of these things to me...show me what buttons to push in what sequence until I "get it."  Let me write it down in the step 1...step 2...step 3  list style and tape it on the wall behind my computer screen... I don't care what it takes...I'm not getting left behind and out of cyber-space-speak without a fight...lol

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Wow! I'm more and more amazed everyday by how much I don't know about technology. I feel like I'm in a losing race to just break even...it's like the "child proof" caps they put on medications...well I have a 3 year old grandson who can open them better than I can...if he sees me struggling with one of them he says.."want me help Granny?" and if I hand it to him...the little bugger can actually get it open faster than I can. That's how I feel about technology...it's almost a fearful thing to me...my kids and grands take it for granted...but I still remember growing up with only 3 channels on the TV...and it was FREE and you had to walk across the room and turn the knob to change the channel and the phone was on the wall hanging by a cord in the kitchen and there was no caller ID and cell phones were unheard of...now everything has changed so quickly in the last 20 years it just positively astounds me every single day. 

I'm not over 50...I'm 29 with 21 +  years experience!! LOL...

I believe I may have actually figured out this adding pictures thing. I was up very early this morning and feeding the fish and I had this inspiration to try something and it actually WORKED...lol...  that's one of the things I love about keeping fish...you're just going along about your business of feeding them and staring into their world and it's so peaceful and serene and suddenly a light bulb of an idea will hit you...it's weird...but I've had some of my best artistic inspirations while tending to my fish and staring into their world.

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Babies...

WOW! The guppies and the Endlers both dropped new babies...they are so tiny and cute. It amazes me every time that something so tiny can make it with all the other things in the tank that could eat them. Today was water changing day in all the tanks... always a messy operation no matter how careful I try to be something always gets wet that isn't supposed to be wet...lol.

Doing weekly water changes isn't one of my favorite things to do...but I love watching my tanks and seeing how everybody is doing...it just amazes me...like another whole world contained in a tank of water and plants. I'm trying to figure out how to post pics up on here at least of the parents...I have some good pics of them. I guess I need to get a digital camera and learn how to operate that too...LOL...another new piece of the technological puzzle I'm trying to figure out.  My grandson likes to "help" me do the water changes and feed the fish...it's really cool that he'd rather do that than park his butt in front of cartoons all day.

He also likes to go to the park with me and play on all the equiptment...it tires his lil behind right out he's 3...so he sleeps really well on the days we go out to the park. It's interesting to me that I have so much more patience with him than I did with my kids...you just have a whole different perspective on life and little people when you're older. I wonder why nature hooked it up that way...that biologically it's healthier for you to have kids when you're young...but mind-wise and patience wise it's so much better to deal with them when you're older and wiser.

You know...I think it might have been better in the "old days" when whole generations of families lived together...no day care for the little ones...they stayed home with Granny and Pappy...Mom and Daddy went to work or school and everybody came together for dinner every night. And Mom and Daddy got the wisdom and patience of the older generation and didn't panic when the baby coughed for the first time...lol.

Then again I can understand that a lot of people, myself included grew up in dysfunctional families and couldn't wait to get away from home and the drinking and arguments and just general unhealthy junk that was going on. It's just sad for me sometimes when I think about all the little ones in foster homes and all the young girls having all these babies with different baby daddy's and nobody paying child support or or more even more important...nobody imparting healthy work ethic and moral values to the little people.  HAVE to figure out how to put pics up in here so ya'll can see my grandbaby...he is just so adorable.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

SNOW in the sunny south...

Me and the grandbaby and his parents are snowed in...in the Sandhills area of North Carolina! Wow...it's very freaky to have this much snow. I grew up in upstate New York between 2 of the Great Lakes...Erie and Ontario and we always had bone chilling cold "Lake Effect Snow" and I've driven in blizzards and freezing sleet, but down here EVERYTHING shuts down with the first little sprinkle and people panic and run to the stores before they shut down and clean the shelves of bread and milk. Being as I did grow up out in the country in upstate New York I'm always automatically ready for this kind of thing. We have the kerosene heater and plenty of kerosene in case the electric goes out. We have kitty litter behind the seat of the truck which has 4 wheel drive, and we have hot cocoa, plenty of coffee, tea, cookies and CHOCOLATE...all the basics for comfort...lol.

Well, this is an adventure for me...I'm so far behind in technology that "blogging," linking, and HTML code are like a foreign language to me...but I'm learning everyday. I've just made a huge cup of nice hot tea with lemon and so far (fingers crossed) I still have electricity so I'm content. Once I figure this thing out a little bit better I want to post pics of my other passion...my rare and beautiful fish. I admit it...I've become obsessed with the little darlings...it's gotten so bad that I'd much rather watch my tanks than shows on TV...pretty pitiful when you have hundreds of channels to choose from and you rather sit in front of your fish tanks and watch them for hours at a time.