A New Adventure...

Well, I'm light years behind the times when it comes to all this new technology...but I've decided to give it a whirl and perhaps learn a few things along the way.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bumble Bee Blue Shrimp

I just bought this strain of shrimp. They are going to be delivered this week...wow! They are just too cool. In this photo they look more of a greenish blue than straight blue...I'll have to wait until I get them to see what they actually look like in reality. It's hard sometimes to capture the true color of fish or shrimp...but even greenish blue with those bright yellow band they are BEAUTIFUL. I have been so naughty this weekend. I have been on everybody else's auctions and buying up a storm...lol...AH...

Now the justification or rationalization comes in...well, you see...ummmm....errrrr... well dammit... I didn't have any of those kind of fish or shrimp and I can't very well run the same auction over and over again now can I? Of course not! So I HAVE to have new and different strains of fish to breed and sell right? Of course I'm right...lol... at least that's what I tell myself as the cupboards are barren of new food and my jeans have frays and holes in them and the gas tank never quite gets filled all the way up...Priorities right? Yep...

and my priority right now is getting the best breeding stock I can get my grubby little hands one...my SO noticed that I had painted my fingernails...a very rare thing indeed...so he asks..."did you get your nails done, they look very nice?" I say, I did them myself, thank you. He says..."oh I thought you might have splurged and gotten them done." I say..."Hah! Now why would I pay somebody 60 bucks to paint my nails and slop some artificial goop on them, what would I have to show for that in 2 weeks? No, see... I will happily drop a hundred bucks on a good pair of young breeding fish F1 quality... and in 2 weeks or so I will probably see a very lovely pregnant female fish and then a nice drop of fry that will grow in a few weeks and I will be able to auction them off and MAKE money many times over on that original pair...but 60 bucks to get my nails done at some hoity toity salon...furrrrgedaboutittt...ain't EVEN going to happen...lol. Priorities right?

I will wear my jeans slap flat OUT and my sneakers til they have holes in them or the infamous flapping sole thing going on...and then mutter and mumble and complain when I have to replace them...but buy a new tank that's on sale... I'll do it in a heartbeat and not think twice about it...snag a really good auction for shrimp or fish that I don't currently have in stock...you betcha...no complaints there...but the way I look at it...those beautiful and interesting creatures MAKE me money in the long run and sometimes in the short run too...so that is worth investing money in...me if I could get away with it...I'd go to the post office and corner store in my PJ's and bedroom slippers and not be bothered with having to buy new jeans and sneakers...but alas... I don't want the good townspeople to think I'm even loonier than they already think I am...what with all these fish tanks and the weird hours I keep...lol....

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