A New Adventure...

Well, I'm light years behind the times when it comes to all this new technology...but I've decided to give it a whirl and perhaps learn a few things along the way.

Friday, February 11, 2011

I don't understand boredom....

There are so many fascinating things on the internet that I just don't understand people who say..."I'm bored."

How can you be bored if you have a computer and access to the internet??  There are so many creative people out there doing such fantastic things...and you can just stumble across them while you are looking for something else...take the time to stop and smell the roses...or in this case read the page for the product advertised...it's fascinating what other people are doing with their candles and scents.

I just read about a 62 year old woman.... Mandy Aftel, who is making perfume the old fashioned way with all natural ingredients...she even uses whale vomit...which sounds disgusting...but it's the form that natural ambergris comes in...and that's one of the most expensive ingredients in good perfumes...that and natural rose attar...

This woman is 62 years old and had a very satisfying career as a therapist helping artists and now she is wildly successful as a natural perfume maker...she said..." Of all the senses, smell is the one most tied to vivid memories. It's the closest to the heart."  I couldn't agree more. When I'm making soy candles and I find scents that are strong and pleasing...I try and figure out what that particular smell is associated with...what pleasant memory it conjures up.

I'm pouring "baby powder" soy candles tonight...and I know why they are so pleasing to me...they remind me of my children when they were little bitty babies...my grandbaby...and all good things...my bedroom is scented with "baby powder" fragrance from candles to air fresheners to scented oil warmers...it smells comforting and secure to me. "Baby powder" scent also reminds me of my Grandmother...that and the old old perfume..."Evening in Paris"...I still remember that it came in a dark blue bottle with a gold twist cap...Grandma kept it on her vanity in her bedroom...she would let me put tiny dabs on my little wrists and behind my ears and she would tell me..."OH...You smell so lovely...you must have a great date coming to pick you up and take you out on the town."

The apple pie scent reminds me of her baking pies in the old kitchen...it was so tiny it was hard to put two people in there at the same time...lol...but she baked the most fantastic things in there...and she sold her pies to the local diner also.

Maybe that's where I get my idea of selling my fish and candles and what not. She was always doing something creative and making money at it also. She just loved to bake...there were always pies and cakes and cookies of all varieties in her house. Small wonder I loved spending the night or the entire weekend at her house.

Oh... Frasier Break...I love that silly show for some reason...and it has back to back episodes at 2 am and 2:30 am...see... I do...do other things besides playing Mafia Wars in my spare time...lol. 

Well that was a lovely break... I just like the humor on that show...makes me snicker every time...lol

Back to my boredom rant...I just don't understand how anybody can be bored these days...so much information available at the click of a mouse...it's like ever widening loops of creativity right there at your fingertips...each different site inspiring people to create...each one saying in it's own way...GO FOR IT! You, too, can do something this creative...something artistic...let the inner child/artist out to play. Bust out the scratch paper and start doodling down ideas. I love the internet.

When I was a child, I loved the library the same way for the same reasons. I would go there and be open mouthed in wonder at all the different books...rows and rows and shelves and shelves full of books on all kinds of topics...anything you wanted to know in the world was in those books. I would always check out the maximum number of books allowed each and every week.

I loved college for the same reasons...so many classes to take outside of my major...art classes-pottery classes-quilting classes-journalism classes-creative writing classes-photography classes...that reminds me...(did I mention at any point that I have A.D. H. D. ? lol, and my mind skips around from subject to subject like lightening? LOL)  that I am going to get a digital camera and teach myself to take detailed up close pictures of my fish and candles and handmade soaps and quilts and crocheted afghans and...and...and..lol

I am so pleased with my life these days...I had cream of potato soup and a salad for dinner tonight (ackkkkkkk all those carbohydrates! Shut up inner critic! It's comfort food when it's cold outside and I LIKE IT!)  and I don't have to watch my figure to please anybody. My cholesterol level was fine the last time I was at the Dr.s and that's all that matters to me.

My little dog, Lucy, is cuddled up in my lap. I have a steaming hot cup of tea with lemon. The soy candles have been poured. The house smells wonderful. Going to take a hot lavender bubble bath with my latest fiction novel. Yes, it's a good life here in Lakeview, NC.

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