A New Adventure...

Well, I'm light years behind the times when it comes to all this new technology...but I've decided to give it a whirl and perhaps learn a few things along the way.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

lavendar blue orange green male betta

Bettas have fascinated me for a very long time...I have about 12 of them all in separate containers...not those little dinky ones they come in at the pet store but large enough for them to actually swim around...

This guy is so beautiful....just look at ALL the colors he's sporting...pink...blue...orange...lavandar...and a touch of green. I just wish they were community minded...but alas they are loners...even after they breed they build the nest...take care of the eggs and hatching fry and will kill off the female if you don't remove her. But they are so beautiful!! They don't require a lot of specialized care. Maybe some things are put here on earth just to be admired.

I bought 2 new pair of eye glass frames tonight...have to be able to see all my fish babies clearly...lol and it was time anyway. I haven't had new frames in 5 years. I wish I could get the lasik surgery and actually be able to wake up and see clearly in the mornings without fumbling for my glasses first thing. That and dental implants...my teeth have really been a disappointment in these later years. All those years of faithfully going to the dentist and having braces when young and all that brushing and flossing and swishing everyday several times a day and this is how they reward me...thin to non existent enamel coverage left...chipping and cracking and getting infected and having to be pulled...how crazy is that? I wonder if fish have these problems when they age?

I did find something to do with all the extra duckweed that grows like wildfire in my planted tanks...I just wait until it looks like it's becoming a jungle and getting out of hand and then scoop it out and throw it in the Koi 100 gal tank and they devour it in a few days time. I heard and read a few days ago that Koi can live over 75 years...astounding...they don't need a lot of fancy filtration or a major heat source and they can go for very long periods of time with very little food...what wonderful genetics they have developed. Although they have some wonderful genetic qualities they just don't catch my fancy like the bettas.

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