A New Adventure...

Well, I'm light years behind the times when it comes to all this new technology...but I've decided to give it a whirl and perhaps learn a few things along the way.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

neon red crayfish

neon red crayfish, originally uploaded by creativeaquarist.

I'm always blown away by really colorful critters under water. This guy or girl is amazing! The color is so intense. Of course he/she is a neon red crayfish...lol...but still...it just blows my mind that something could be so colorful.

I was messing around in my fish room and thinking about setting that 20 gal tank up just for breeding crayfish. BUT...I've got to stay off or other people's auctions at Aquabid first...lol... I was on there earlier and of course I came across more fish that I just cannot live without...Bad Shelby! Stay off of other people's auctions until you have your own up and running...the object of this fish breeding is to sell and make money...lol. Geeze...there are just so many things I want to breed though.

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