A New Adventure...

Well, I'm light years behind the times when it comes to all this new technology...but I've decided to give it a whirl and perhaps learn a few things along the way.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


So I'm at Flickr and I'm trying to upload pics to this blog and it won't let me do it...lol and then I try to get directly on this blog and I can't. A glitch or something or I was just pushing the wrong buttons or something...so 10 full minutes of frustration before it finally logs me in...and I swear I didn't push any buttons differently than I did 10 minutes ago.

This "technology" is fun eh?  NOT! Well, I vow that this brand new year of 2011 I will conquer the beast...or at least keep him at bay...lol.  I'm going to learn what buttons to push to make this thing do what I want it to do. Doing some routine water changes today and after the water changes....had 2 different snails from 2 different tanks crawl out of their tanks and fall to the floor. These are not little bitty pond snails either...these are fairly large about the size of a golf ball Apple snails...had to pick them up off the floor and put them back in the tank...guess they wanted an adventure or the water change freaked them out but they have been fine for the last few months with water changes...don't know what got into them tonight.

I was looking at my supplies and what I have to set up...and I have a very nice 20 gal tank with a very tight fitting lid that I'm going to set up for cray fish...they like to climb all over the tank and climb out whenever they get half a chance. Interesting little critters they are. A lot of people are interested in keeping them and breeding them. I find my fish much more interesting...but...to each his or her own.

Anyway...I'm going to set that tank up just for the cray fish...should be an interesting experience and if I don't like them at all I can always sell off all the adults and re-clean the tank out for more fish.  OR... I can set the tank up for CPO's (orange mini cray fish) and some endlers or even smaller fish...maybe the dwarf minnows or more B. Brigittae...and that way I'll have a more productive tank...

I have a 30 gal...oddly shaped upright tank on the stand in the dining room that has some B. Brigittae in it and a strain of very red ramshorn snails that I just got. They are all doing well...but I could add some more of the B. Brigittae to that tank...oh the choices are just endless and the configurations that I can come up with. I like going on other people's fish pages and looking at what they set up and how it's working out for them. I don't do things in an "ordinary" way...but what I do seems to work out better than average for me. I can't wait for the weather to break so that I can actually put up some auctions and start shipping some fish out to buyers. Then I can make some money to invest in yet more interesting fish. It's a circle... I sell... I buy... I  sell and I buy again. I guess it's like selling at the flea market...I sell some of my stuff and then I go and buy somebody else's stuff and then re-sell that and go and buy somebody else's...lol...and the circle continues. 

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