A New Adventure...

Well, I'm light years behind the times when it comes to all this new technology...but I've decided to give it a whirl and perhaps learn a few things along the way.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

pygmy corys

pygmy corys, originally uploaded by creativeaquarist.

My newest addition...the little guys. Note to self...work with what I have before I go off trying to expand all over the fish world...LOL. I have some really cool fish that I bought as baby fry and now they are all grown up and having babies of their own that I need to be setting up to sell...but I just can't seem to help adding to the work load and adding more tanks and more cool fish to the fish room.

I love working with my fish...it doesn't matter what is going on in the outside world, when I'm changing water or checking tanks or feeding the fish it's just such a calming time and my thoughts flow freely and I come up with more things I want to try or re-do. Today I was thinking about my candle making and soap making. I've moved into a house of my own since the last time I seriously made soap for sale and the house is totally different. I am going to have to get a dehumidifier for the dining room so the soap will dry properly. I didn't have that problem in the old place. I could put the soap in any room there and it would cure just fine. Here in the house I have a lot of moisture in the air... I think it has to do with living right across the street from the lake...it adds a lot of humidity to the air in general. Funny how I never thought about humidity before...I just made the soap and set it out and it cured...lol. Now I have to factor in humidity and worry with buying a dehumidifier so I can sell commercially again.

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